Sunday, November 13, 2022

Footwork for a Deeper Connection with Pilates during a Reformer Class and Beyond

                                                           by Aspasia P. Simeone

Starting a Reformer class with Footwork is essential. Teachers know the significance and are thoroughly trained to execute this routine as the first in a series of exercises done on the Reformer. Although the supine body position on the Reformer may seem quite basic and simple, it is the most fundamental startup practice calling upon the muscular, skeletal, cardiovascular, circulatory, respiratory, neurological and central nervous system as a whole to perform the task. It is, as are all Pilates movements in the repertoire, a full body action.

Achieving a deeper connection with Pilates begins with an awareness of the apparatus you are on, the bodily contact points during placement and the execution of the intended movement. First and foremost is the body placement which clearly precedes the execution.  

On the Reformer in a supine position (on the back), setting up for Footwork allows for that intrinsic connection with the ‘back of body’ which is an objective easily accomplished from this perspective and vital to ones relationship with Pilates. Without this union the experience one has with the ‘mind and body connection’ is limited and therefore less effective.   

These next steps will highlight the way in which Footwork functions and how it initiates a deeper connection with the Pilates method. While this summary is centered on the Reformer, any apparatus including Mat can serve as the medium. 

1. Having the carriage at the optimal aperture with regard to the shoulder-blocks and foot-bar ensures that when foot placement is prepared, neutral pelvis is attainable. This natural positioning of the pelvis should not forcibly be achieved, but instead through the activation of the deeper core muscles to insure stability. Neutral pelvis can insure an optimal placement of the vertebrae in a neutral spine alignment (See Note 1: Neutral Pelvis arrangement).  

2. In the supine position on the Reformer the ‘back of body’ is brought to the forefront as practice for lateral breathing in preparation to the onset of the footwork. During active inhalation, air is brought in and up as the diaphragm contracts and moves downward while the ribcage muscles pull the ribs up, out and expand laterally. The deep core abdominals, including the pelvic floor are activated by voluntarily drawing the naval to the spine and consciously lifting the pelvic muscles (See Note 2: Pelvic Floor engagement). We become aware of our breathing as the carriage mat responds to the expanded volume of the lungs and the ribs cage lifts up, outward and widens.

3. There are various placements of the feet on the Reformer foot-bar for various purposes. Most common foot positions are feet in parallel, feet in Pilates V connected, wide Pilates V and from the arches. These foot positions are initiated from different contacts points (balls of the feet and/or heels) as each is intended to target the closed kinetic chain of muscles and joints working together to execute the movement.

4. Ankle position is equally as crucial during these exercises as it will focus the kinetic chain on the anterior or posterior concentric contraction of the ankle joint. Nothing goes on without cause in Pilates, as simplistic as it may appear.

5. The slight angular rotations of the feet on the foot-bar and the different pressing positions on the base of the foot, these forces are translated to the head of the thigh bone (femur head) inside the hip socket (acetabulum). Alignment is priority here and is carefully exercised through tracking of the ankle/knee/hip joints. As the carriage moves back and forth relative to its home base, the expansion and recoiling of the Reformer-springs are controlled via spine and pelvic stability through deep core activation, and mobilized by ankle/knee/hip compound joint activity.  Here the femur-head should be allowed to glides inside the hip socket free of resistance.

6. The Resistance Springs, those amazing tension springs, opening and closing the carriage relative to its home base, work like gravity in a horizontal plane. As the spring are driven by the participants force to expand (concentric contraction) or resistance to recoil (eccentric contraction), they work to strengthen and lengthen the muscles involved, respectively.     

7. Although not in a traditional sense, and one that I may have made the analogy without further reference, lying on the Reformer while setting up for Footwork in a static state, has all the requisites of ‘between a rock and a hard place’ necessary to maintain thoracic stability through the shoulder girdle. The shoulder block offer reactive feedback to the shoulders (ex: acromioclavicular joints), preventing shoulder elevation in direction of the ears when the tension springs are expanding and the carriage is moving away from the home base. As the tension springs recoil back to home base closing the carriage, foot placement on the Foot-bar and shoulder contact against the Shoulder-blocks, stimulates engagement of Core musculature keeping the spine in neutral to oppose the compression forces. Opposing gravity-like forces lying down serves to strengthen the spinal muscles, by engaging a stable pelvis and shoulder girdle  in a safer and controlled manner.  

8. Watch for Addendum “Footwork Beyond the Reformer” where Footwork will be discussed from Tower and Chair.

So here we have it…Pilates Reformer Footwork, the absolute way to a deeper Pilates connection: Activate, Strengthen and Align  

Note 1. Neutral Pelvis arrangement: To achieve Neutral Pelvis consider tilting the pelvis anterior and posterior till the ASIS and the Pubis are lined up in the same plane (Frontal) or parallel. This can be performed standing vertical or lying supine. 

Note 2. Pelvic Floor engagement: To best activate the Pelvic Floor muscles, lie in a supine position knees bent hip width apart and feet in full ground contact. Perform Neutral Pelvis positioning (Note 1). Draw the naval toward the spine, and visualize the sits bones reaching toward the heels of the feet with the pubic bone slightly curling between the legs up and around toward the navel. Think of the Pelvic Floor as sectioning the lower pelvic region from the abdominal region in a cross section, and begin to draw the Pelvic region up toward the abdominal region by lifting the Pelvic floor muscles.    



Tuesday, October 25, 2022

What PILATES means to me. 

My connection with Pilates is deeper than in it's physical sense. I discovered it as an alternative to get me through a life changing event. 

Here is my story...leave yours. by Aspasia P. Simeone

Science has been a passion of mine since I was child, and as I matured fitness became my recreation. The kinesiology behind the fundamental execution of the exercise grew so intriguing that I soon became interested in natural body building. The human body is a machine full of levers and pulleys and I found the biomechanics to be fascinating. For the record, Pilates was a familiar word in the fitness industry during the 1990’s but I had not yet invested much time into exploring its method. However bearing in mind my inherent ambition to understand the facts, reality and any conviction I chose to participate in, did confirmed my pursuit in seeking out a qualifying fitness agency to further my proficiency in the fitness arena. The American Council on Exercise offered all I had deemed absolutely essential in qualifying their fitness professionals. Accordingly I applied and completed 2 of their programs: the first; Personal Training (yr 1999) and the second would follow some years later.

As life can unexpectedly disturb the natural balance and order of our personal life, soon after I became certified as a Personal Trainer and assumed a part-time fitness training business aside from my industry job, I became gravely ill with an aggressive cancer that did exactly that…take me away from all that I loved, as I focused on a treatment to arrest this consuming disease.   

The treatment period although harsh, was promising and I focused my energy into the recovery and rebuilding stage. While my Spirit was strong, I soon realized that my physical being was broken beyond a quick and familiar repair. The pharmaceuticals used in my treatment purposely lingered in the muscles to intensify the effect, causing such atrophy that to reclaim my past healthy muscular physique would require gaining 25 pounds coupled with intense ‘muscle sequencing training’. I just could not summons the mind-set, yet alone the extreme muscle recruitment required, to fulfill this demand. 

It was then, in the year 2000 I started to survey all the other fitness disciplines as a means to help guide my return to physical health. For the first time, I took the time to look closely at the origin of Pilates and where its source of strength derives from. I was amazed, beyond amazed to say the least, to discover how the muscles are not called upon in sequence to achieve a particular task, but instead Pilates combines the muscle effort integrating the breath with the movement to achieve the action collectively. The Core is the Pilates Powerhouse, separated into the upper chest cavity and lower pelvic cavity housing its perspective organs and driven by three indispensable muscles: the diaphragm, the pelvic floor and the bridge between them; the transverse abdominis. My pursuit for the next couple of years was to study Pilates in truth and attempt to completely comprehend how to voluntarily enable these deep core muscles, empowering and controlling them through the breath. Through these means I was able to regain my mental-physical health and reach a level of awareness that surpasses the ordinary objective implied by ‘ones-well-being’, that I believe is obtained only through Pilates. 

Everyone’s journey is personal and different. What is yours?  I would like to know.


Everyday I start my morning by sipping a cup of coffee and clicking through the TV channels at 430 am. My intension is to hone in on breaking news and important information.
Everyday I am amazed by the number of infomercials claiming that the secret to weight loss is easily obtained simply by purchasing a product.
These products range from; pills that will eliminate (and I mean ELIMINATE) fat from being absorbed in you digestive track, DVD high impact calorie burning cardio exercise programs, gym style home workout equipment, metabolically geared diet programs and home delivery meals plans. All carry claims and testimonials with successful clients and participants.
These programs aired daily and throughout the day indicates their level of success in reaching the public. Is it no wonder then that the American public in constant pursuit of a weight loss plan that works.
But my question is "why so many different claims'. ?

SURVEY: What would be your one personal wish that would make you happy?

We all know that if we had one wish it would probably be geared toward the well being of our loved ones and/or humanity, and would go something like this;

1. That our loved ones would have a life filled with good health and happiness,
2. Peace would reign throughout the world with an end to poverty and hunger ....and lastly
3. There would be no prejudice or abuse ever, inflicted on any living thing.

Now, aside from these being the most heartfelt selfless aspirations one could proclaim, we all have personal desires that fall a little short of benevolent. And that is to say, secret desires we wish we could achieve or obtain and that might matter little or have any value to anyone else, other than ourselves.

I am conducting this survey as part a research topic I am proposing to explore. No names will be included, only content of comments received.

Thanks to all that participate!

To begin: If a Comment box is not opened, click on the text 'comments' below to reveal a Comment box.

If you DO NOT have a google account or you wish to remain anonymous select Anonymous from the pulldown below. 

Monday, October 24, 2022


Simply leave a comment about what topic you would like to start and I will post it. Lets keep it long the lines of fitness, diet and overall well-being. 

Client Progress

Leave  a message about how you are doing!

Tip For Today: Weight and Calories

"For people watching their weight, keeping track of calories is an important practice. If a person eats more calories than he or she burns each day, weight gain will occur. On the other hand, if more calories are burned than are consumed on a daily basis, weight loss transpires. Knowing how many calories your body needs each day is the first step in managing your weight.
    A person’s daily caloric requirement is determined by three factors:
  • Resting metabolic rate (RMR)
  • Physical activity
  • Thermogenesis (calories required for heat production)
Resting metabolic rate is the amount of energy (measured in calories) expended by the body during quiet rest. RMR makes up between 60 and 80% of the total calories used daily. Physical activity is the second largest factor contributing to daily calorie requirements. This is the most variable component of daily caloric requirement, as this number changes based on the frequency, intensity, and duration of a person’s workouts. Thermogenesis, also referred to as the thermic effect of food, is the smallest component. This is the amount of calories needed to digest and absorb the foods that are consumed. While certain diets claim to enhance this component, such as those promoting food-combining practices, no research exists to support that concept.
Since RMR and physical activity are the largest components of a person’s daily caloric requirement, estimating them based on a few personal variables can help you determine how many calories you should eat each day to manage your weight."; ACE Get Fit Publication