What is the main difference between Pilates and a more traditional form of exercising like weight training?
By Aspasia P. Simeone
If you are part of any fitness community then most likely you have heard of Pilates. But even though most people have heard of Pilates, still not many people could say much about it other than they know it works the Core.
Although Pilates professionals will acknowledge that the Core is a major component in the execution and development of the Pilates format, all will agree that the depth of the experience goes beyond the basic body mechanics. When asked, the majority of the general population (fitness professionals not included) will identify the Core as the Rectus Abdominis, or 6 pack. But few acknowledge that the Core encapsulates all the muscles constituting the torso, including a 3 dimensional planar representation, especially when describing from a Pilates perspective.
So what is the difference from Pilates to say, a weight training session or calisthenics? As both forms of exercise respond to an external force whether body weight opposed to gravity, a free weight, or weight stacks and a cable/spring system, ONLY Pilates requires the deliberate activation of every muscle system from the top crown of the head to tip of the toe.
During a typical Pilates session you might be instructed to simply ‘sit tall’. A simple phrase but certainly not a simple feat with regards to Pilates. You would be further encouraged to actively inhale directing your breath upward into the back body expanding the ribcage housing the lungs. All the while your navel is drawn toward the spine, as you envision the crown of your head reaching above, creating optimal spinal length and internal lumbar support…and this is only the cue to ‘sit tall’ ; one of Pilates’ stabilized positions set as a prerequisite for motion. What comes next is unbounded with regard to dimensional movement and the Core. The only way to harness this innately, is to experience Pilates first hand as it combines ones concentration with intuition.
Pilates execution is a deliberate action to the force applied, while traditional exercise is more spontaneous. Every movement during a Pilates session is planned and follows a specific pattern related back to the natural movements of the spine. Nothing in Pilates places the body in an unnatural contraindicated position but every position in Pilates does place the individual in an active progressive state of mind and body.
Pilates is the connection between mind and body. It is a state of mind that is manifested through the body’s awareness and presentation. It is for real!
I am only too happy to share the wonder and power of the amazing Pilates experience.
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